The Incredible Journey (Owned and Operated by Eternity Media Productions Ltd.)

The Oxford Martyrs

Oxford, England, is a wonderful place to wander, the narrow cobblestone lanes take you on a journey back through the centuries as you cross old stone bridges and pass some of the most famous landmarks in Britain. But not all the cobblestone streets in Oxford lead to places of romance and beauty, one led to a place of execution and death. The small area of cobblestones forming a cross in the centre of Broad Street beside one of Oxford’s most famous colleges marks the site where three men were led and publicly executed. It was right here that the Oxford martyrs were tied to a stake, wood piled up around them, bags of gunpowder placed around their necks and burnt alive. Who were these men and why did they die? Well, their story will surprise, shock and inspire you, make sure you stay tuned for our program: The Oxford Martyrs

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