The Incredible Journey (Owned and Operated by Eternity Media Productions Ltd.)
Mark Devotional #4– Sometimes we think that when you choose to serve God, suddenly everything…
Mark Devotional #5 – Jesus announced two conditions necessary for us to receive the kingdom…
Mark Devotional #6 – Gary Kent looks at how Jesus called His first disciples. Apostle…
Mark Devotional #8 – Simon and Andrew tell Jesus about their mother’s illness. She was…
Mark Devotional #9 – When the demons wanted to publicly identify Jesus, Jesus silenced them…
Mark Devotional #10 – The secret of Jesus’ power was His connection with the Father…
Mark Devotional #11 – There are many people who want to receive God’s blessing, but…
Mark Devotional #15 – Jesus called Matthew. He was attracted to the presence of Jesus…
Mark Devotional #16 – As you watch this devotional, take some time to examine yourself…
Mark Devotional #17 – As you watch this devotional, reflect on these questions: How do…
Mark Devotional #18 – There are people today who say that the Sabbath doesn’t matter….
Mark Devotional #22 – Jesus didn’t choose people who were qualified. He chose people who…
Mark Devotional #26 – Have you ever been misunderstood by your family, or perhaps your…
Mark Devotional #28 – Do you have spiritual understanding – spiritual discernment – in your…
Mark Devotional #28 – The parable of the sower is about different soils that represent…
Mark Devotional #30 – Jesus tells them that his parables are actually meant to shine…

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