Self Esteem
Today, psychologists recognise the vital importance of a positive sense of self-worth. But you might be wondering, what exactly does that mean? Are there any…
Who Were The Amalekites?
The Amalekites were one of the archenemies of the Israelites. They were an ancient biblical nation living south of the land of Canaan in the Negev region. The Amalekites are renowned in the Bible as the first nation to attack the Israelites after the Exodus from Egypt. But where did this nation come from?
Foods to Make your Child a Winner
Our children are our most precious assets. We all want to do everything we can to give them the best opportunities in life and help them succeed. Well, is there a very simple way to provide your child with one of the most important advantages in life? Join Gary Kent and Dr Delia McCabe, a nutritional neuroscientist, on the best foods for our children.
The Most Important Death in History
Throughout history, there has been one thing that is common to everyone who has ever lived: death. Some deaths have been more spectacular than others, some more notable and mysterious. Some changed the course of history and made a difference in the world, while most passed relatively unnoticed.
Foods that Harm Your Brain
There’s a lot of discussion today about the food we eat. There’s foods that are good for us and benefit our bodies and brains. But there are also foods that are harmful and that we would be wise to avoid.
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
This is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It is the most sacred Christian site in the world. Today it is located within the walls of the old city of Jerusalem in what is known as the Christian quarter. But during the time of Jesus, this site was outside the town’s walls and very likely a quarry, so it is a possible site for the crucifixion. Emperor Constantine embraced Christianity in 312 AD, and soon after, his mother, Helena, made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where tradition claims she found many Christian sites, including the place of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built on the site she located. The name sepulchre means a chamber that is used as a grave. In the Bible book of John 19:41-42, it says that the tomb was close to the place of the Crucifixion, and so the church was planned to enclose the site of both the cross and the tomb.
Superfoods for the Brain
The brain is the most sophisticated piece of tissue in the known universe. It’s not only very complex in function – it’s also extremely sensitive and energy demanding. And what we eat impacts it directly. So much so that researchers now know that nutrient deficiencies can foreshadow cognitive decline. Most people think that brain super foods are exotic and expensive foods, that must be gathered from distant and hard-to-reach locations. They couldn’t be more wrong because many of the best superfoods for our amazing brains can be found at our local supermarket or farmers’ market.
Garden Tomb
The beautiful and peaceful Garden Tomb is situated just outside the walls of the old city of Jerusalem. It is considered by some Christians to be a possible location for the crucifixion and burial of Jesus in a stone tomb. The Bible records tell that Jesus was crucified at Golgotha outside the city of Jerusalem near a gate of the city and along a major thoroughfare. Right next to the Garden Tomb is a large rock that many feel could have been Golgotha. “Taking Jesus’ body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen. This was in accordance with Jewish burial customs. 41 At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid. 42 Because it was the Jewish day of Preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.”
Waltzing Matilda and the Fearful Swagman (Banjo Paterson)
Back in 1895, a 30-year-old Banjo Paterson was staying at Dagworth Sheep Station near Winton, when he heard the story of the recent death of a striking sheep shearer at the nearby Combo Waterhole, wrote the tale and put the lyrics to the tune he had heard the station owner’s daughter playing on the autoharp. The new song spread rapidly, and the first public recital was at Winton’s North Gregory Hotel on 6 April. The enduring popularity of this song that uses many iconic Australian words to describe the rugged beauty and character of the outback, also is a graphic reminder of the consequences of fear. Fear is a common and powerful emotion that can interfere, restrict and cripple our lives. Are you afraid or worried about something? What’s your greatest fear? Is it embarrassment? Failure? Rejection? Disappointing others? Not fitting in? How can we better cope with fear? What do we do when fear consumes us? God doesn’t want you to live in fear, even when life is difficult and the future uncertain.
Temple Mount Steps
I am standing here on the Temple Mount Steps beside the walls of the old city of Jerusalem. The Bible comes alive when you step foot in Israel and that’s certainly true when you visit the Temple Steps here in Jerusalem. It’s amazing to think that Jesus would have walked up these very steps on his way to the Temple. Herod the Great originally built these stone steps when he expanded the size of the Temple Mount and rebuilt the Second Temple. Sometimes called the Southern Steps, these steps were originally a set of 30 steps that were 60m or 200 feet wide.