During the Battle of Hacksaw Ridge at the height of World War II, Desmond Doss, a medic with the American forces, saved the lives of almost 100 men. Painstakingly and under constant fire, he lowered these men over the ridge to safety.Doss’s courage won him many accolades but perhaps the most significant lesson to be gleaned from his profound act of bravery is his willingness to risk his own life to save the lives of others. Doss’s love for his fellow men was a reflection of the love that Jesus revealed for us on the cross. A love that led him to leave the comforts of heaven and to brave the hostility of a planet in rebellion in order to die for the very rebels who sought his life. Let’s take a quick look at what the Bible has to say about the cross of Jesus and what it means for us today. GET YOUR FREE BOOKLET HERE (A Second Chance at Life): https://tij.tv/offers/a-second-chance-at-life-bible-study/=== FOR DONATIONS TO THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY ===✅ Tax Deductible Donation: https://tijfund.tij.tv/✅ Non-Tax Deductible Donation: https://tij.tv/donate/==============================================WEBSITE: https://tij.tvFACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheIncredibleJourneyMinistry/INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tij.tv/#TIJTV