The Incredible Journey (Owned and Operated by Eternity Media Productions Ltd.)

Dinosaurs and the Bible

Planet Earth is filled with a dazzling diversity of life, but few animals can compete with the extinct dinosaurs for variety, size, and sheer magnificence. They roamed the earth away back in the ancient past and came in incredible shapes and sizes. Some of these ancient creatures had enormous bodies and were the most colossal creatures ever to have lived on land, while others were only the size of chickens. Some were fierce and had sharp claws and razor teeth, while others were harmless and docile. Many had spikes, horns, and plates and were the weirdest animals ever to walk on earth. Some were agile and could run fast, while others were ponderous, slow-moving and awkward. Dinosaurs lived on all seven continents, even Antarctica.

But how much do we know about these amazing creatures? How and where did they live? Why did they die out? And what do their fossil traces tell us? Join Gary Kent me On the Dinosaur Trail as we travel back in time and get up close and personal with the biggest, fastest, fiercest, and strangest creatures that ever roamed the earth. Find out how these fascinating creatures lived, why they died out, and what their fossil traces tell us.

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