The Incredible Journey (Owned and Operated by Eternity Media Productions Ltd.)

The Man Who Reached for the Sky – Bert Hinkler

Bert Hinkler was a pioneering aviator, innovator, and designer. He is credited with being the first to fly solo between England and Australia and receiving numerous accolades. Hinkler’s passion was aviation. From a young age, he was fascinated by flight and the aerodynamics that surrounded it. When he was just 19, he invented his first flying machine, which he took for a spin near his hometown of Bundaberg. From that point forward, his life was fully immersed in his first love. There’s a lot that we can learn from the life of Bert Hinkler; passion, dedication, focus, and a single-minded drive toward achieving our goals. But Hinkler’s life also reminds us to remember others with a similar focus and drive. The Bible profiles countless individuals driven by a single-minded focus to accomplish their God-given mission in life. This week we look at the life of Bert Hinkler as well as the lives of a few pioneers featured in the Bible.

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