The Incredible Journey (Owned and Operated by Eternity Media Productions Ltd.)

Busting the Myths of Fats and Oils

In this program, we consider a topic that is probably confronting for many of us. When you hear the words fats and oils, you immediately think of French fries, potato chips, cheesy pizzas, onion rings, burgers, and doughnuts—foods that taste great and that we like to eat. Though they are tasty, we are often reminded that they are not good for our health. That’s because they tend to be high in calories, fat, and salt and are called refined carbs. The whole matter of fats and oils can be very confusing and raise some important questions. If fats and oils are said to be bad for you, why do we need fats and oils in our diet? Are there good and bad fats? What does the term saturated or unsaturated fats mean? Join Gary as we meet Dr Delia McCabe, a nutritional neuroscientist whose research specialises in how the food we eat affects brain functions. In particular, we are going to look at the important topic of fats and oils: Are they good for us, and what effect do they have on our brains?

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