The Incredible Journey (Owned and Operated by Eternity Media Productions Ltd.)

1. The Messenger – Mark 1:1-3

Mark Devotional #1 – The Gospel of Mark starts with a messenger. It also presents us with a challenge. Are you willing to accept it? Watch the devotional to learn more.
Join us on a very practical journey through the Bible and discover gems that will bring you closer to Jesus.

2. The Baptiser – Mark 1:4–8

Mark Devotional #2 – In our culture, like in Jesus’ day, we tend to show our power and status through external things, by what we wear, where and how often we travel and by the house and car we own. However, true power doesn’t come from the external trappings. Watch this devotional to learn more.

3. The Baptism of Jesus – Mark 1:9–11

Mark Devotional #3 – Father said to the Son, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” Have you ever considered that He longs to say the very same words to you too? Watch the devotional to learn more.

4. Jesus in the Wilderness – Mark 1:12–13

Mark Devotional #4– Sometimes we think that when you choose to serve God, suddenly everything becomes easier and more pleasant. But Mark tells us that when Jesus was baptised, t…

6. Jesus Calls His Disciples – Mark 1:16–20

Mark Devotional #6 – Gary Kent looks at how Jesus called His first disciples. Apostle Mark says that Jesus called them while He walked beside the sea. He barely pauses to call these men, and they follow Him…

9. Power at Sunset – Mark 1:32–34

Mark Devotional #9 – When the demons wanted to publicly identify Jesus, Jesus silenced them even though they were only speaking the truth. The devil speaks to us as well. He whi…

10. Mark 1:35–39 – The Secret of Power

Mark Devotional #10 – The secret of Jesus’ power was His connection with the Father through prayer. But the disciples were more focused on the work that needed to be done than on …

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