The Incredible Journey (Owned and Operated by Eternity Media Productions Ltd.)
EQ – How Does Emotional Intelligence Affect Me?

EQ – How Does Emotional Intelligence Affect Me?

VIDEO: EQ – How Does Emotional Intelligence Affect Me?

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We often hear about EQ – emotional intelligence, but what really is it and how does it affect me? We have all heard about IQ at school, so is EQ the same or different from IQ and how is it relevant? In an amazing research, psychologists have been found that IQ contributes 20% and EQ contributes 80% to both personal and professional success. So, if your potential IQ range is inherited, and your EQ is developed, what steps can I take to improve my EQ and make sure that I am reaching my potential? Well emotionally intelligent people are able to identify emotions and understand the role they play in influencing a person’s thoughts, words, and actions. They do so by quietly observing both themselves and others. Their brain recalls past emotions or events and seeks to manage the situation. People with strong levels of EQ have learnt to manage the information and the feelings it creates by reflecting on their observations and actions. They have learnt the art of understanding their emotions through self-awareness and self-regulation. Sometimes we cannot control our initial response to a new or frightening situation, but we can choose the feelings and actions that develop. If you don’t like the way you feel about a situation, then you can change the way you think about it and what you tell yourself. That’s where EQ comes in. As a brain function specialist suggests, low levels of EQ lead to JOT behaviours. So, when a situation arises that we feel anxious or unsure about, and our stress levels are rising, when we feel that things are out of control and too much for us to handle, then stop and remember to try to avoid these three actions. 1. Jumping to conclusions before knowing all the facts 2. Overreacting – rather act calmly and assess the whole situation 3. Taking things personally – rather try to alter your perception and see it from another point of view. Following these three guidelines will help us to evaluate a situation quickly, accurately and rationally. By working on developing our EQ, it will help us to avoid misunderstandings and conflict that can quickly arise in both personal and professional relationships. EQ is not an emotion. It is not fixed. Rather it is a set of skills to help us manage our core emotions of joy, anger, fear and sadness. If you would like to know more about how to develop a strong EQ then I’d like to recommend the free gift we have for you today. It’s the booklet, How to Reach Your Potential EQ vs IQ. Please go to our Incredible Journey website for more information.
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