The Incredible Journey (Owned and Operated by Eternity Media Productions Ltd.)

On the Dinosaur Trail

Like most people on this planet, Australians love Dinosaurs

Gary and his film team spent the first two weeks of 2023 in the outback of Queensland, on the Dinosaur trail in Winton, Richmond and Hughenden. Unfortunately, whilst filming her offspring, Gary upset one of the Dinosaur’s mamas, and she stomped him into the ground. 

Just joking, of course. But those animals were no joke back in their time, and if one messed with them, who knows what the consequences would have been?

Whilst driving to the different locations, we experienced how a sudden thunderstorm completely changes the face of the Outback and roads can become flooded by large amounts of water.

Gary stomped by a Dinosaur
Driving through the stream on a flooded road
David Elliott pointing to some Dinosaur bones.

The Australian Age of Dinosaurs

Most of what we can learn about Dinosaurs here today in the Outback was started by farmers like David Elliott, who now oversees the “Australian Age of Dinosaurs” near Winton. In 1999, while mustering, he found some fossils on his land and decided to start digging. 

Here at the “Australian Age of Dinosaurs” is an important laboratory where they uncover the fossils with the most modern excavation equipment and a large team of volunteers. Yes, a lot of the work is done by volunteers.

Gary standing next to a Dinosaur Model.
In the Winton Excavation Laboratory

Lake Quarry Dinosaur Stampede National Monument

Some distance to the west of Winton is the “Lake Quarry Dinosaur Stampede National Monument“. This stampede was discovered by Glen Seymour, who was fossicking for opals in this area. Around 150 small two-legged dinosaurs seem to have come to drink at the lake, then were surprised by some larger dinosaurs, which led to the stampede as they fled away.

Lake Quarry Dinosaur Stompede National Monument
Bridge to the Monument Building
The Dinosaur Stompede, Lake Quarry

The Kronosaurus Korner Museum

The next stop on the Dinosaur trail was in Richmond at the “Kronosaurus Korner Museum“, best known as Australia’s premier marine fossil site which has some of the most awe-inspiring ancient marine fossils. In 1989, the skeleton of a Plesiosaur was discovered nearby at Marathon Station by grazier Ian Lever while mustering his cattle.

It’s one of the best-preserved vertebrate fossils in the world and the most complete plesiosaur skeleton discovered in Australia. In fact, in this museum, there are over 1,500 fossils.

Then 12 km outside Richmond is a quarry that is the present excavation site for a fantastic array of fossils. The Museum fossil expert took us there to show us his latest find – a magnificent Ichthyosaur fossil still encased in rock but clearly showing the outline of this giant dolphin-like aquatic reptile skeleton.

Fresh Ichthyosaurus Skeleton in Rock Formation.
Model of the Kronosaurus at the entrance of the Museum
Working on a fossil, removing surrounding limestone.
Model of an Ichthyosaurus with its child.
Detail Shot of the working process to remove limestone from a fossil.

The Flinders Discovery Centre in Hughenden

One hour’s drive east of Richmond is Hughenden and the “Flinders Discovery Centre“. You can get to know Mutt, the town’s resident Dinosaur, as you drive down the main street. Then inside the Flinders Discovery Centre is Hughie, a life-sized skeletal replica of a Muttabuttasaurus. Hughie is a fabulous display that captures the spirit of the Dinosaur Trail.

We were very impressed by this Dinosaur Trail. And as Christians, we, of course, asked ourselves, Where can we find them in the Bible? Were they living before or after the flood? Why don’t they exist today anymore? So, we will look for answers to all these questions in our upcoming programs about the Dinosaur trail in Australia.

Flinders Discovery Centre
Muttabuttasaurus Hughie
Foot of Muttabuttasaurus Hughie

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